“Customer(s)” means the Internet user(s) browsing the Site and making an online purchase of Product(s) for personal purposes. “General Conditions of Sale” means these general conditions of sale of Products on the Site. “BO COLLECTION” means BANZOLA COLLECTION. 3 Rue ibnou Hilal, 20000 Casablanca - Morocco, ICE number: 002912268000068 owner of the BANZOLA COLLECTION brand and marketing BANZOLA COLLECTION products sold on the Site. “Products” means the products offered for sale on the Site under the conditions of article 3 below. “Site” means the electronic commerce website accessible via the Internet at the address:
The purpose of these general conditions of sale is to define the terms of online sale of products on the site to customers, as well as the rights and obligations of the parties arising from the online sale of products offered on the Site. They determine all the steps necessary for placing the order and ensure the monitoring of this order between the Parties. By placing an order for a product on the Site, the customer acknowledges having read the general conditions of sale and having accepted them without restriction, this acceptance being in no way conditioned by a handwritten signature on the part of the customer. Consultation of the site by the Customer is also governed by the conditions of use of the site which he accepts without reservation and accessible at the address: https://banzola-collection.com/pages/conditions-generales . It is specified that the Customer may save or print these general conditions of sale provided, however, that they are not modified. BANZOLA COLLECTION reserves the right to update the General Conditions of Sale at any time. The General Conditions of Sale apply to any online sale made on the site to the exclusion of any other document and in particular the conditions applicable to sales in stores or through other distribution and marketing channels.
Description of the Products – The Products offered for sale are those which appear on the Site on the day of consultation of the Site by the Customer and within the limits of available stocks. The greatest care is taken in the presentation of the products on the site in order to meet the requirements of the Consumer Code. This is why the products are presented by means of an information sheet drawn up with great care and precision by expert professionals in order to allow the most faithful and complete description. However, having regard to the digital presentation mode of the products on the Internet network, in particular due to the technical limitations of color renderings of computer equipment, it is possible that the customer's perception of the photographic representation of the Products and in particular of the color of the leather shades do not match exactly.
Availability of products – The products are offered within the limits of available stocks and any mention of the stock of the Products appearing on the site is given for information only to the extent of technically possible updates. In the event of unavailability of one of the products, the Customer will be informed as soon as possible by e-mail of the possible cancellation of their order or partial delivery thereof. Consequently, any order for an unavailable product having actually been paid for will not give rise to any compensation or compensation other than the reimbursement of said product and any related delivery costs.
The price of the Products is firm. The current price is that indicated on the pages corresponding to the different products on the site unless there is a typographical error. These prices take into account the VAT applicable on the day of the order. Any packaging and delivery costs may be charged in addition and in this case, they will be specified to the customer during the order process. Their amount is then fixed and fixed. BANZOLA COLLECTION reserves the right, which the customer accepts, to modify its prices at any time, without any formality other than posting the modifications on the site. These modifications will, however, have no impact on orders accepted by the site before the entry into force of these modifications, subject to the availability of the products ordered.
Navigation within the Site - The customer can freely browse the different pages of the site in order to become aware of the different products offered for sale without being committed to an order.
Registration of the order – It is specified that the Products are intended for the personal use of the customer without any direct connection with the professional activity of the latter.
Delivery territory eligible for an order - The customer will only be able to place an order for products from a country for delivery to that same country.
Final validation of the order - The customer must check the box located in front of the message “By checking the following box: I acknowledge having read and accepted the general conditions of sale” to definitively validate their order before being able to choose the proposed payment method on the same page.
Confirmation of an order - The sale will only be considered final after BANZOLA COLLECTION has sent the customer confirmation of acceptance of the order by the site by e-mail. The order confirmation email summarizes the order reference number, the products ordered by the customer and their prices, the terms and delivery times of the products and the address or link to customer service to which the customer can share any questions regarding your order.
Unless the server is unavailable, the customer can pay for their order after final validation on the site, by bank card (Carte Bleue, Visa, Mastercard) or in cash upon delivery. The Customer will enter their card number, its expiry date, the name of the card holder and the visual cryptogram (the last three numbers written on the back of their bank card). Payments by check are not accepted. BANZOLA COLLECTION reserves the right to refuse any order or delivery in the event of exceeding the ceilings indicated in article 5.2 hereof, of an existing dispute with the Customer, of total or partial non-payment of a previous order by the Customer , refusal of authorization for payment by bank card from banking organizations. The Customer guarantees that he has the authorizations that may be necessary to use the payment method chosen at the time of validation of the order. If the bank refuses, the order will be automatically canceled and the customer will be notified by sending an email. The customer is invited to print the order summary. Data relating to orders will be recorded and stored in the computer systems of BANZOLA COLLECTION and its partner bank. The information registers of these companies will be considered as constituting proof of all transactions between the parties on the site. The site is subject to a security system. BANZOLA COLLECTION guarantees that the cryptology means and services used to secure transactions have been authorized or declared in accordance with the legislation in force.
For all orders confirmed before 12:00 p.m., Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays), the products ordered will be shipped the same day. The products are delivered by Cathedis within 3 working days from confirmation of the order by BANZOLA COLLECTION. The carrier is solely responsible for any exceeding of the indicated deadlines and in such a case, this cannot under any circumstances give rise to any compensation for the benefit of the Customer. Delivery costs may be offered for the purchase of Products, from a certain order amount. In all cases, delivery costs are clearly indicated to the Customer during the order process.
For security reasons, orders cannot be registered for delivery to the address of a hotel or other accommodation, a post office, a post office box or an address or non-fixed domicile (that is to say, and without this list being exhaustive, mobile homes, caravans, campsites, and other non-fixed domiciles) or in a collective place where an address cannot be assigned individual and lasting to a natural or legal person.
The customer is required to pay particular attention to the contact details completed in the order form and in particular to the delivery address. In the event of a customer error in the delivery address, the package will be returned by the carrier with the mention NPAI (“does not live at the address indicated”). In this case, delivery costs will remain the responsibility of the customer.
The customer must check the good condition of the products upon delivery. Any anomaly concerning delivery (damaged packages, missing products, late delivery, etc.) must be the subject of reservations recorded on the delivery receipt presented by the carrier. The customer must also report this by e-mail to customerservice@banzola-collection.com in order to improve the quality of service that can be offered and to carry out an investigation with the carrier. In the event that the customer has reported a missing product, an investigation with the carrier can last up to 21 working days. If during this period, the product is found, it will be immediately redirected to the delivery location designated when ordering. On the other hand, if the ordered product is not found at the end of this investigation period, BANZOLA COLLECTION will, at its own expense, re-ship the missing products initially ordered by the customer.
The customer has 14 clear days to return the ordered product(s). This period runs from the day after or the first working day following the day of delivery of the order or from the day of delivery of the last product when the order is delivered in several installments. However, in accordance with the provisions of article L.221-28 3° of the Consumer Code, this right of withdrawal does not apply to products made according to the customer's specifications or clearly personalized. Each returned product must be in its original packaging. The customer may exercise his right of withdrawal by any written means of his choice or by following the procedure described at the following address https://banzola-collection.com/account . If the aforementioned conditions are met, BANZOLA COLLECTION will reimburse the customer for all sums incurred by him when ordering the returned products within 14 days following the date on which the right of withdrawal was exercised. This refund will be made via the payment method used during the purchase.
You can return products free of charge by Chronopost for countries outside Morocco and Cathedis within Moroccan territory in accordance with the terms of our returns policy for 28 days after receipt of your order. This right is in addition to and is different from the right of withdrawal and cancellation within 14 days. Under the terms of our returns policy, products must be in their original condition, must bear the original labels and be accompanied by the original packaging and delivery note. All returned products are inspected. Any returned product that is incomplete, damaged, worn or dirty will not be taken back and will be returned to you. Under no circumstances can a refund be requested and/or made in store. However, you can exchange your items in BANZOLA COLLECTION stores, upon presentation of the invoice. Except as above, no product exchanges are permitted. We will cover the costs of returning products in accordance with the terms of our returns policy. Please contact our customer service for details and to obtain a prepaid return label.
The customer benefits from the guarantee of conformity following the consumer code as well as the legal guarantee against hidden defects on the products.
Ownership of the products is only transferred to the customer after full payment of the price by the latter. The risks concerning the products delivered (in particular loss, theft or deterioration) are nevertheless assumed by the customer from the effective date of delivery.
The provision of personal information collected in the context of distance selling is mandatory, this information being necessary for the processing and delivery of orders as well as for the preparation of invoices. This information is strictly confidential. Failure to provide information implies automatic rejection of the order. The customer has the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning him. To exercise this right, the customer must send an e-mail to customerservice@ banzola-collection.com . The customer may receive emails from the site with information on BANZOLA COLLECTION products and activities. The customer retains the right to refuse such communication either a priori by not giving consent when creating their customer account, or at any time in the management pages of this account, or by clicking on the unsubscribe link. an information email, or by sending an email to customerservice@ banzola-collection.com .
The customer can cancel his personal account by making a request by mail by e-mail to customerservice@banzola-collection.com . In addition, BANZOLA COLLECTION reserves the right to terminate the customer's personal account automatically, without notice, without legal formality and without compensation, by email or by simple postal mail in the event of use of the e-commerce service or the site contrary to public order and/or good morals; infringement of the intellectual property rights of BANZOLA COLLECTION; or misappropriation or unauthorized or fraudulent use of identifiers and passwords. BANZOLA COLLECTION cannot under any circumstances be held liable against the customer or against third parties for the termination of an account occurring under the conditions provided for in this article.
BANZOLA COLLECTION cannot be held responsible for the total or partial non-performance of its obligations, if it is due to the occurrence of a force majeure event, having an unforeseeable, irrepressible and external nature for BANZOLA COLLECTION, as recognized by the jurisprudence of the French courts, making the execution of the contract impossible. In this case, BANZOLA COLLECTION will inform the customer and offer one or more alternative solutions. The occurrence of such an event constitutes a cause for suspension and/or extinction of BANZOLA COLLECTION's obligations towards the client without compensation for the benefit of the Client.
The intellectual property rights attached to the products sold on the site are and remain the exclusive property of BANZOLA COLLECTION. All exploitation rights are exclusively reserved to it. Under these conditions, no one is authorized to reproduce, exploit, distribute or use for any reason whatsoever, even partially, the intellectual property rights, without the prior written consent of BANZOLA COLLECTION. The BANZOLA COLLECTION brands and logos are registered trademarks. Any reproduction therefore constitutes an infringement.
In the event of a question or complaint, the customer may first contact BANZOLA COLLECTION customer service, the different contact methods are as follows:
Postal address: BANZOLA COLLECTION 10 rue Moussa Bnou Noussair 6th floor Appt 11, 20000 Casablanca - Morocco.
In the event of a dispute, the customer has the possibility, before any legal action, to resort free of charge to a conventional mediation procedure or to any other alternative method of dispute resolution in order to seek an amicable solution.
BANZOLA COLLECTION archives orders and payment receipts on a reliable and durable medium constituting a faithful copy, in accordance with current legislation.
The computerized registers of BANZOLA COLLECTION are considered by the parties as proof of communications, orders, payments and transactions between them.
The customer accepts that all correspondence, communications or transmission of information between BANZOLA COLLECTION and himself by electronic means are presumed to have the same probative force as a writing on paper.
If one of the stipulations of the General Terms and Conditions proves to be void with regard to a rule of law in force or a judicial decision that has become final, it would then be deemed unwritten, without however resulting in the nullity of the contract or altering the validity of its other stipulations.
These General Terms and Conditions and the contractual relations between the parties are governed by Moroccan law. Any dispute arising from the application or interpretation of the T&Cs falls under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Moroccan courts.